Since early 2013, Canvassco started as a B2B market research agency but saw the opportunity to diversify to and be a first mover in B2B content marketing in Thailand. Within less than a year, we grew from 1 to 6 staffs. We made it to the first page of Google and built up over 1,000 subscribers in our prospect client database. On Slideshare, we have been providing value to 7,000 viewers with our content, many of which are executives from well-established companies. Today we have over 50 business leads worth USD 1 million simply by employing an aggressive online media strategy. And we would like to share what we do and how we do it.
1. Target Audience
We build the mailing list of our target audience. We define and understand the target audience. For example, at Canvassco, we target automotive industry our target customers are car buyers and 1st, 2nd or 3rd tiers and assembly plant. We call our prospect audience one by one to identify "key decision maker" and do a small introduction about our company. The call objective is just to get their name and email address. We also ask their permission if they would like to receive the email from us if we have some content that we think they might be interested. The call should be done within 3 minutes!
2. Content is a King
Content marketing is all about creating interesting and useful information for our customers so that they pay attention to us. What we do is we obviously create interesting content! We do blog, write article, white paper, create the how-to guild. We collect articles, infographic and anything that's meaningful and share with our target audience.
3. Online Market Campaign
We create campaign such as content marketing services to do for 50% price for our clients who would like to build their online market strategy as a trial period for three months. The whole objective is to check market demand for content marketing services to make a decision whether we should invest in our new service.
4. Broadcasting Channels
There are several online channel and social platform such as LinkedIn Ads, Facebook, Twitter, etc. For us, email marketing works best. We start with email marketing and link the content to our social media broadcasting channel and our website to increase organic SEO ranking.
5. Measurement
We track everything. We don't' quite pay much attention to retweet, likes, comments but more toward sales lead, conversion rate and ROI of our marketing spend.
We have been doing this from our first day of Canvassco. It's easy DIY online market strategy for all SMEs to compete with large companies. And if you are a large company but still do not have this strategy in-place, we hope this article is a wake up call!.
Take a look at the Slideshare; the case study from Canvassco.